Want one for your public or private property? General contracting to run & manage projects that are often spectacular, interesting & unique.
An expert to gather all the required permits. A single point of contact for the life of the project. A specialist to guide all aspects—from start to finish. As well as…
Guests accessing & enjoying beautiful views they couldn’t before
A pro to build in the toughest conditions & hard-to-reach places
Innovative & imaginative designs, beyond just the functional
Durable structures that last the test of time & harsh conditions
Be part of the design process to decide & define your vision
Projects that run smoothly with risks identified & mitigated up front
An expert to gather all the required permits. A single point of contact for the life of the project. A specialist to guide all aspects—from start to finish. As well as…
Timber ∙ Suspension ∙ Steel Girder ∙ Aluminum & steel ∙ Cable crossings ∙ Zip lines ∙ Boardwalks ∙ Access staircases ∙ Viewing platforms
Public & private lands ∙ Hard to reach places ∙ Cliffs, marshes, forests ∙ Creeks, streams, waterfalls ∙ Gardens, caves, islands, rocky outcrops
We also build mountain bike, hiking & multi-purpose trails to get to & from your bridge. So guests can roam & enjoy your entire land, park or estate.
Know we’ll say what we’ll do and do what we say. Just like with all our clients & projects.
Meet & identify your vision ∙ Determine if we’re a match ∙ Receive a proposal
Design your solution ∙ Build it as you envisioned ∙ We’ll manage everyone & everything
The best use of your land ∙ More people enjoying your property ∙ Know you did this right
Founder of Robson Design Build Ltd.
About us
It started in 2004 with a simple log bridge I helped build as a young volunteer. I was hooked. Since then I was always outside skiing, mountaineering & backcountry-ing.
That bridge lasted 10 years until a tree fell on it. That’s when I started Robson—to rebuild it. Along with a 60 kilometer network of trails & more bridges.
Bridges are cool. Even cooler? Connecting bridges to trails, across rivers, through forests, around lakes, near waterfalls, by marshes, down low, way up high, in both easy—and hard to reach places.
Because what we really do… is create experiences for visitors—making entire lands more accessible.
Why have people walk around—when the magic is everywhere in between?
Or anything else on your wondering mind? Contact us. We’ll get back to you shortly to answer your questions or schedule a call.
Join Robson! Home base is near beautiful Mount Robson Provincial Park. With some of the best backcountry skiing, sledding mountain biking & hiking in all of BC. Most of our staff live around this area, while working throughout BC & Alberta.
The Robson Team respectfully acknowledges that we work & live on the traditional territory of the Ktunaxa & Simpcw Peoples.
Too many property owners & managers don’t get the most use of their land. We design & build pedestrian bridges. So guests will be awed by views, trails & experiences that bring visitors back for more.
P.O. Box 1178 ∙ 1222 5th Avenue ∙ Valemount, BC ∙ V0E 2Z0